Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fugitive Again

Jeff says this fugitive needed to go on the blog. As we are visiting with the Doruis's and Tony and Tracey Saturday night, I am looking out the window and see car loads of kids getting dropped off at our house. Apparently we are having a party with Taylor's friends at our house and playing fugitive later on too. Didn't know that but that's ok. This fugitive was extra fun though. The kids were all having such a fun time. Why? Because I picked up a huge light at a friends house to find them with (thanks Leroy and Kelly). This light was amazing. I could see so far away and it was so bright. It scared them when they saw the light go by them.
As we are looking for some of the kids a police man drove by. There we are with the lift gate open on the Suburban and kids piled in it with a huge light they are flashing at homes and in backyards late at night. Jeff says to the officer, "It's ok officer, we're just playing fugitive". The officer is totally ok with it. Never mind the fact that no one is wearing a seat belt, there are too many people in the car and the lift gate is open with the kids' feet dangling out of the car, and some of the kids were coming out of someone else's backyard. Jeff says he loves how relaxed the police are out here. It was a fun night for all.

Here is the light we were using.

These are just a few of Taylor's friends that showed up. All the boys and more girls showed up shortly after I took this.


Carolyn said...


Your family is so cute! I love how you play together. Keep up the good work on the blog.


CB said...

That is such a GREAT idea! That big 'ol light. What a crack up!

rad6 said...

Such a fun game... keep playing.