Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas Day 2008

So this Christmas was definitely different than the usual. Sometimes it was a little sad and lonely. All the traditions we are used to had to change. It was nice at times too just being our family and doing everything together, but I like parties and so do my kids. I wanted to have one but everyone sounded like they were so stressed and had so much going already that I didn't try. Maybe next year as we will have stronger relationships with our new friends in Kaysville, I will try again. If not, we will definitely be heading home. Really it was an enjoyable holiday though, just different.

The kids have a tradition of all sleeping together Christmas Eve. This time they all slept in Jeffrey's room. Jeff told them to call on the cell phone when they were all awake but they couldn't come down before 6:00 am. Jeffrey said they were all awake around 5:00 and it was killing them to wait. This is the picture I took in the morning when I went in the room to get them so they could come downstairs.
Emma and her Hannah Montana goodies.
Junie and some of her gifts.
Santa left a note on the tree that said "the air outside is frightful but the air in the den is delightful". They all ran upstairs and found an air hockey table.
Olivia found an envelope from santa with tickets to "Body Worlds" in it for the family.
Santa left this egg out for the kids. this is the front side...
..This is the other side...
...this is what they found in the garage.

Emma is holding a cute card Olivia made for her at school and wrapped it up to give to her. This is one of my favorite presents that we will probably keep longer than any other present.
Present from Mom and Dad to all the kids.
Jeff posing as a model with his new jacket from me on.
Cute gift from Emma to me and Jeff. Another keeper.
Jeffrey got a cool helicopter from Grandma and Grandpa. This should help him in learning to fly and land his model airplane from Grandpa.
Junie with her karaoke that even Madi and Mikayla are caught using at times.
My victory dance - but that game Madi won. My kids are getting good, I finally have some competition.
We sat around all day in our jammy's playing - we had nothing else to do. It was lots of fun though.
My first prime rib which turned out beautifully. Unfortunately Jeff was sick and couldn't enjoy my nice Christmas dinner with us. Someone always has to be sick over the holidays and it is quite often Jeff.

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