We have a new tradition that I love. I don't know if it is Taylor's favorite thing but the General Young Women's Meeting is always the same weekend as her birthday and we have been able to go each year with Tanya and Renae. It is a special night with my girls that I hope they look back on when they are older and have fond memories of. The question is, do I bring Olivia with me next year since it is only three weeks from her 12th birthday and I can have four of my girls with me? The year after that I will be down to only Olivia and Taylor. These kids need to stop growing up.

Typical picture of my twins when the camera comes out.

What I thought was really neat this year was when the prophet entered the room. There was a lot of talking going on as everyone was entering, getting seated and waiting for the meeting to begin. As soon as the prophet came in, the building went silent and everyone stood.(This picture is not from that moment). Such reverance and respect from a group of young women was neat to witness and be a part of.

Here is the crowd leaving the Conference Center - and Madi's hair blowing in the wind. We got to walk diagnally across the intersection this time.